Reach over 100,000 of the best student talent on the market... right at the point they're considering their early career choices.
Our courses are taken by the best students all over the UK:
Define the roles your company wants top young talent for.
Reach over 100,000 of the best young talent on the market... right at the point they're considering their early career choices.
We'll incorporate tasks directly related to your company into our programs.
Giving you access to every candidate that complete these tasks.
Boost your brand awareness with critical new hires and top quality young talent.
Position your company amongst the top picks for grads, including:
Increase your top-of-funnel hiring efforts by engaging with candidates when they are exploring roles that interest them.
Build your company's awareness with the most engaged & motivated candidates in the market.
Dedicated promotion of your company in a role-based course
Attract top talent, all year round (ready for hiring season)
Let candidates complete screening tasks related to your roles
Receive access to all of the best candidate profiles
Never need to pay a recruiter fee for top young talent again